Crisis Preparedness
Latest Past Events
Managing Through a Crisis
Virtual MeetingThis interactive session will provide business owners with key concepts and strategies for leading through a crisis and recovering from disruption. Business owners will learn steps for creating a robust crisis management playbook to reduce downtime and how to apply concepts to business needs.
A Trained Workforce is a Prepared Workforce
Webinar2020 is evidence that every business is susceptible to disruption when you least expect it, whether it stems from product tampering, supply chain issues, diversity and inclusion blunders, biological threats, protests and civil unrest, or the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and the global economy.
Best Practices for Business Resilience in COVID-19: A Guide for Economic Developers and Emergency Managers
Virtual MeetingPeople and businesses are looking to government to provide economic relief to whether the storm of the pandemic and the economic downturn facing our communities. Outside of grants and loans, how is your organization helping businesses to respond and recover from disruption?